New Book Progress & New Videos

Progress is going nicely on my new book, details of which are still being held back for the moment, but it is a new genre for me and one which I have been enjoying greatly working in.

I will post some excerpts from what I have written soon and some notes about what to expect.

More soon.

My videos on the Official D.J. Cowdall YouTube channel are increasing. It has a very wide variety of snippets of me reading from my books, some full-length audiobooks, and some poetry. This is in anticipation of my releasing my entire back catalogue of novels in audiobook format, soon.

I will link some new videos here, and continue to add more as time goes on.

Please do subscribe and let me know your feelings on this project so I can learn and grow as a narrator.

More to follow…


Pride & Prejudice – Full-Length Audiobook. Narrated by Author D.J. Cowdall.

This is the playlist of the book, which I am narrating and adding to weekly. You can click the video and watch and listen, or you can click the Watch On YouTube button and check out other videos of mine on there.

Please do subscribe, like and subscribe if you enjoy the content.

As always, thank you so much for all your kindness and support. It is very much appreciated.

PS, Please do also follow me on Amazon, click the Follow button for all latest news as it happens from me.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

New Videos & Book Update

New videos continue to be added to the official DJ Cowdall YouTube page. Here are a couple of the newest ones, which you can view here or go to YouTube to see.

They are very old short stories from a variety of authors, narrated by DJ Cowdall.

The first is a story by Susan Glaspell, which is a positive short story with a lovely ending. I enjoyed reading this and I think you will enjoy listening to it.

For The Love Of The Hills

The next up is a story by Kate Chopin. It is beautifully written, with a mixture of expression and sadness. I enjoyed narrating it.

The Recovery

I am pleased to say that plans for my new book are going well. I am working on plot and style at the moment, choosing what to include and the way forward.

I will be sure to share more on here as I begin writing and will let you all know what is planned for it in due course.

I am intending on continuing with my Dog That Wouldn’t Sit series shortly, so I will be in the process of writing two books simultaneously. I am excited to get started on the fourth chapter of Champion’s adventures, and I am sure it will be a blast to read.

More soon.

As always, thank you so much for all your kindness and support. It is very much appreciated.


DJ Cowdall.

PS, Please do also follow me on Amazon, click the Follow button for all latest news as it happens from me.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

New Full-Length Story Videos. Book News.

Firstly, a big thanks to all those who have read my latest book, The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3. I am pleased so many are enjoying it, and enjoying the series.

Of course, there will be more entries in the series to come. I am beginning to work on my new novel soon, and it will be a departure from my usual dog books. More on this soon, and I will report on my progress as I go.

My Official DJ Cowdall YouTube channel continues to grow. I add new content constantly, and I will endeavour to add these videos embeded on my official site, and links on Goodreads. Feel free to visit the channel any time and please do subscribe.

My Official DJ Cowdall YouTube channel is here:

Meanwhile, here are a couple of my latest videos, stories narrated by me.

This is my latest video. Virginia Woolf’s story, Kew Gardens. As always, narrated by me.


At Twilight. A Full-Length Short Story by Susan Glaspell


Feel free to watch them on my official website or on my YouTube channel. If you watch them there you can comment on them, and even suggest new authors or stories for me to narrate.

Spring is approaching, which is one of my favourite times of the year. I always love the warmth and being able to sit outside and write. Christmas is always special, and if we are lucky enough to get snow that is always lovely, but there’s nothing quite like sitting in a field of flowers on a warm day with a drink and a good book, either being read, or written.

Thank you for your support.


PS, Please do also follow me on Amazon, click the Follow button for all latest news as it happens from me.



DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

New Book Launch: the Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3. New Christmas Video.

Finally, I am pleased to say my latest Book, The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 is finished and launched. It is in review at the time of writing this, but will be available on Amazon imminently.

I will update this page when it is live for purchase.

I think this is the most fun I have had in this series, and a proper adventure, but with a lot of laughter and silliness. The ending is wonderful, and will tug at the heart strings.

Here is the cover:

The Dog That Wouldn't Sit 3 Book Cover
The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3

Here is the blurb:

Champion is a dog, full of wonder, big eyes and scruffy, but full of love.

Ethel is an older lady, but full of love and someone who enjoys the simplicity and quiet in life.

And these two wonderful, thoughtful individuals have one thing in common: they love being awkward!

The big day has arrived. Ethel is busy enjoying a relaxing moment, but Champion, the big hairy horse like dog, wants to have fun. What does a dog do when he wants to enjoy when the lady of the house doesn’t?

He goes out for his big day out, that’s what.

The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 follows the big dog’s grand adventure as he gets out of the house and on to the bus, sitting bolt upright in the seat, heading for who knows where?

Imagine Ethel, seeing her dog, sitting beside the window, looking at her as the bus leaves, as if he might wave goodbye for now as he sets off.

Ethel does what she should, rushes off in chase, but is joined by a troop of others, a busybody council man, an older admirer, a reporter, police, and all sorts in a common cause of catching that dog!

Join them all in Champion’s grand adventure and find out who wins in the biggest battle of wills yet.

There can be only one.

Who will it be?

Roll on for The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3.

On sale now at Amazon: Click here to buy

I have narrated a new video on my Official YouTube channel. It is a Christmas Short Story, a lovely old tale from Victorian times.

It seems very popular and I am sure you will love it, so have a listen here if you like.

A Christmas Inspiration by Lucy Maude Montgomery

I would just like to say thank you all so much for all of your support this year. It has been a wonderful year for me, and everything I have done. The positive reviews and the emails I have recieved from you in support of my books, which are a labour of love. I couldn’t do this without you and you all make it so worthwhile.

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, and wonderful new year.

I will be back in full swing in the new year, and aim to have a lot more books for you in 2024. I think it’s going to be a great year ahead.

Once again, Merry Christmas!


D. J. Cowdall.

Please feel free to click the follow button on my Amazon Profile.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 Finished & New Video

I am pleased to say that the third in the series of the Dog That Wouldn’t Sit is finally finished. It is currently being edited and will hopefully be on sale within the next week or so.

I have enjoyed writing this as much as any book I have written, as it flowed so well and I have come to know the characters so well. I love how the dog Champion has such a character of his own and comes across as being so daft but so intelligent.

I will be sure to post here as soon as the sale goes live.

I have narrated a new video, which is a poem by Susanna Moodie, and is very appropriate for the time of year, the subject being winter. I enjoyed narrated it and creating the video. It is live on YouTube and available to watch here on my official site.

Winter by  Susanna Moodie

My latest novel is my 16th, and I am loving everything about it. I have no set ideas of what is to be next, but I will be back at it writing for my next novel, set for release in the new year.

I have spent time looking back at some of my old works, and can see how much work some of these need, from editing to formatting, and a lot of my time over the next couple of months will be dedicated to fixing them all.

All of my novels were edited, but as I have found not all editors are equal, and not all of them are real. Just because someone is an avid reader it doesn’t mean they are a capable editor.

My newer books demonstrate the much higher level of work gone into making them and should be as perfect for your enjoyment as possible.

I will update you all again soon once my latest noevel is on sale.

I hope you are all well.

Take Care.


Please feel free to follow me on Amazon.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

Two New Audio Short Stories & New Book Update

While deep in the process of writing my new book, I have narrated a couple of new videos.

The first is my reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death.

I always loved this, primarily from seeing the Vincent Price film which always struck me for its sense of suspense, not to mention how odd it all felt, which from narrating the story I can say it does reflect well.

This is the video here:

The Masque of the Red Death Narrated by DJ Cowdall

My next narrated video is a short story that I wrote. When I became strongly interested in writing, this was in fact the first story I ever wrote. It will be a strong indicator of where I was at early in my writing career and where I am at now. I’m sure you will see a difference if you have read other work by me.

Still, it is fun, and I enjoyed reading it once more. Hopefully you will too.

Just One More Go. Written & Narrated by DJ Cowdall

I am pleased to say that my work on The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 is coming along at a pace. I am two thirds through now, and it should be available to buy any time. I will be sure to post here, on my Official Amazon page and on Goodreads soon.

The story this time I think is stronger than ever, and along with a ton of humour also allows for a filling out of other characters and events. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

I guess autumn is upon us just about, which brings with it cooler, wetter weather, but the positive from that is more time indoors, and more time reading.

Thank you once again for all your support.



DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 1 & 2, First Chapters Narrated for Audiobook.

Two new videos have been added for your enjoyment, which are the first chapters of both of these books. The first can be listened to and enjoyed here:

You can click on it and enjoy listening to it without leaving this site. It is another step in my journey to begin fully narrating all of my books as audio books. You can also listen to this and others on the Official DJ Cowdall YouTube site here:

DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Any comments here or on YouTube are welcome, and any feeback by social media or Email are welcome.

The second book is here, the first chapter again. Narrated by DJ Cowdall, and of course also written by.

Any feedback is welcome, but hopefully you will enjoy them.

The third in this series is coming along very well. I am very happy with it. It should hopefully be on sale in September.



DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Please do click follow on Amazon for all updates on my new releases & news.

Two New Short Stories Narrated, One by DJ Cowdall, One by Edgar Allan Poe.

I am pleased to provide two new videos, both short stories and both narrated by me. They are live now. Click below to enjoy either or visit my YouTube channel to hear them.

The first is Sacrifice, a short story I wrote and had published many yeas ago. It will likely show its age, given my writing at the time, but it still remains one of my favourites.

You can enjoy it here: Sacrifice, Written and Narrated by DJ Cowdall.

The second of my new videos is a famous one by Edgar Allan Poe, here:

The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allan Poe, Narrated by DJ Cowdall.

I hope you enjoy them.

Any comments or feedback on the story or my narration are very welcome.

Take Care.



DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Please do click follow on Amazon for all updates on my new releases & news.

Short Story: Inferno, Written and Narrated by DJ Cowdall, Free on YouTube.

As part of my ongoing YouTube channel dedicated to my narrating my books and stories, I have added one of the short stories that is part of my older back catalogue.

The story was published on Amazon way back in 2016, and remains on sale today. As I have moved on to longer works, novels and the like, I no longer write short stories.

I have written a great many of these of the years, most of which were published in magazines and newspapers, most of which are now defunct with the advent of the digital age.

You can enjoy the story for free by clicking here, or visiting my channel at YouTube.

I have also narrated and added another short story, The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, narrated by myself. These and others are on my channel.

Any comments or feedback on the story or my naration are very welcome.

As always, I continue to work on my new novel. More news on that soon.

Take Care.


Official Website:


Please do click follow on Amazon for all updates on my new releases and news.

The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe Narrated by DJ Cowdall


A longer, twenty two minute short story narrated by myself.

This is another in the practice sessions that I am engaging in and uploading to my YouTube channel at: DJ Cowdall – YouTube Here there are poems and stories, as well as book snippets and full-length audio books to come, all narrated by me.

This was very much a learning opportunity for me, and took quite a bit of effort and work. One thing I am learning is how much work goes into audio book narration.

Any comments, please do feel free to email me or comment on the video on YouTube.

As always, progress on my latest book is going well, and I am very much enjoying writing The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3.

Please enjoy this new video


PS, Please do sign up to my newsletter here for any up to date news on my books and audio books, and of course you can click the follow button on Amazon to get quick updates on anything new from me.

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