New videos continue to be added to the official DJ Cowdall YouTube page. Here are a couple of the newest ones, which you can view here or go to YouTube to see.
They are very old short stories from a variety of authors, narrated by DJ Cowdall.
The first is a story by Susan Glaspell, which is a positive short story with a lovely ending. I enjoyed reading this and I think you will enjoy listening to it.
For The Love Of The Hills
The next up is a story by Kate Chopin. It is beautifully written, with a mixture of expression and sadness. I enjoyed narrating it.
The Recovery
I am pleased to say that plans for my new book are going well. I am working on plot and style at the moment, choosing what to include and the way forward.
I will be sure to share more on here as I begin writing and will let you all know what is planned for it in due course.
I am intending on continuing with my Dog That Wouldn’t Sit series shortly, so I will be in the process of writing two books simultaneously. I am excited to get started on the fourth chapter of Champion’s adventures, and I am sure it will be a blast to read.
More soon.
As always, thank you so much for all your kindness and support. It is very much appreciated.
DJ Cowdall.
PS, Please do also follow me on Amazon, click the Follow button for all latest news as it happens from me.