New Poem Narrated By DJ Cowdall.

Rain In Summer By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Here is a new poem, Rain In Summer, which is another reading and created as a video on YouTube. This is a longer poem and another beautiful piece of creativity about the countryside and nature.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, here or on YouTube.

If you would like to see new content like this and have any suggestions, they are always welcome.

More poems will be made available on this site and YouTube and then next up will be longer pieces, such as first chapters of some of my books and whole audio books, read by me.

My new book, the Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 is coming along nicely. As usual Ethel and Champion are antagonizing each other and engaging in a never-ending battle of wills. I am sure this will be on sale soon.

As always, enjoy.


Audio Narrating beginnings.

YouTube Videos

As promised, I have started creating audio content with a view to, in time, narrating all of my books as audio books. I created a simple YouTube channel which I can add videos of me narrating poems, snippets of my books, some full audio books and more.

The first two poems are on the channel, and are lovely poems which are focused on nature, suitable for the new beginnings that Spring brings.

The first poem is The Country Beautiful, Poem by Paul Bewsher, which is short but beautiful. The video is simple and was recorded by my daughter, Maya Cowdall. She has recorded a lot of similar clips for me to use, but they are background B roll footage where what matters is the audio.

I have recorded and tested these aimed at Audible requirements, although YouTube compression may make an impact on this quality played from there.

I will post more on here as I add more, and once I have a reasonable size catalogue of narrated content, I will post them elsewhere, possibly on the likes of Spotify.

This is of course all for rehearsing and learning how to narrate to a professional standard, simply because I would like to narrate all of my own audio books to go alongside my many published titles.

Please feel free to leave comments here or on YouTube regarding anything to do with the narration, sound quality, my narrating, or the choice of poems, and if you have any suggestions for what I might narrate then you are very welcome to contact me and suggest some anytime.

Please enjoy.


Spring Is Here, And Life Moves On

Spring is here at last, and summer is approaching. For me, this is the best time of the year. I usually write indoors, but when the weather is nice, I love to get outside and work and enjoy the sun. It seems to have been a bit slow to warm up lately, but I’m sure any time now we will have BBQs and shorts weather!

Time as always eases pain, and the loss of our beloved Scooby took just that to come to terms with. It affected what I was doing, because a lot of what I write and enjoy doing is related to our four-legged friends. Emotions have subsided now and we feel better able to look back occasionally, just a little to remember him with love and the wonderful memories we have of him. For us, we will never forget him. We took thousands of photographs and videos of him over the years and in time I will post some of them on a section on this website, just for him and maybe some of our other wonderful pooches.

Of course, life goes on, and I have begun writing again. I am pleased to say my focus is going to be The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3, and it shouldn’t be too long before that is out. At the time of the loss of our wonderful dog, I just couldn’t imagine writing about dogs, but as the sadness has subsided, I think it would be the best way to move forward to remember him and his love in this book. The best part of it is that until now the first two books were only available in eBook, Kindle, but once the third in the series is out, it will be an eBook, but I intend to bring all three first books together and publish them all in a single bumper paperback. Watch out for that.

Other plans are to release a hardback special edition of all three Dog Under The Bed series in one volume. This has been so well loved that I think it is something many would love to see.

I haven’t forgotten about my audiobooks, which are in the works. I am in the process of setting up a YouTube channel which I will read poetry, small snippets of my books, full-length books etc., as well as releasing all of my back catalogue of books in audiobook format, narrated by myself.

Watch out for news here and on my website for launches and new videos as I begin to release again soon.

You can subscribe to my newsletter on my website and don’t forget to follow me on Amazon.

I hope you are all well.

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