New Videos & Book Update

New videos continue to be added to the official DJ Cowdall YouTube page. Here are a couple of the newest ones, which you can view here or go to YouTube to see.

They are very old short stories from a variety of authors, narrated by DJ Cowdall.

The first is a story by Susan Glaspell, which is a positive short story with a lovely ending. I enjoyed reading this and I think you will enjoy listening to it.

For The Love Of The Hills

The next up is a story by Kate Chopin. It is beautifully written, with a mixture of expression and sadness. I enjoyed narrating it.

The Recovery

I am pleased to say that plans for my new book are going well. I am working on plot and style at the moment, choosing what to include and the way forward.

I will be sure to share more on here as I begin writing and will let you all know what is planned for it in due course.

I am intending on continuing with my Dog That Wouldn’t Sit series shortly, so I will be in the process of writing two books simultaneously. I am excited to get started on the fourth chapter of Champion’s adventures, and I am sure it will be a blast to read.

More soon.

As always, thank you so much for all your kindness and support. It is very much appreciated.


DJ Cowdall.

PS, Please do also follow me on Amazon, click the Follow button for all latest news as it happens from me.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 Finished & New Video

I am pleased to say that the third in the series of the Dog That Wouldn’t Sit is finally finished. It is currently being edited and will hopefully be on sale within the next week or so.

I have enjoyed writing this as much as any book I have written, as it flowed so well and I have come to know the characters so well. I love how the dog Champion has such a character of his own and comes across as being so daft but so intelligent.

I will be sure to post here as soon as the sale goes live.

I have narrated a new video, which is a poem by Susanna Moodie, and is very appropriate for the time of year, the subject being winter. I enjoyed narrated it and creating the video. It is live on YouTube and available to watch here on my official site.

Winter by  Susanna Moodie

My latest novel is my 16th, and I am loving everything about it. I have no set ideas of what is to be next, but I will be back at it writing for my next novel, set for release in the new year.

I have spent time looking back at some of my old works, and can see how much work some of these need, from editing to formatting, and a lot of my time over the next couple of months will be dedicated to fixing them all.

All of my novels were edited, but as I have found not all editors are equal, and not all of them are real. Just because someone is an avid reader it doesn’t mean they are a capable editor.

My newer books demonstrate the much higher level of work gone into making them and should be as perfect for your enjoyment as possible.

I will update you all again soon once my latest noevel is on sale.

I hope you are all well.

Take Care.


Please feel free to follow me on Amazon.


DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page

I’m back, but not been away

Well, time does fly. I had no idea it had been so long since I last posted an update, some six months since. In that time, I have been busy writing and doing so much, which I will update here shortly.

I post this blog on Goodreads and it gets linked as soon as I do on Amazon, but also on my own personal website at Feel free to follow me on any of these sites for updates on what I am working on.
I fully intend to get back to updating much more on here now and offering my thoughts on what has been happening and what is to come.

New Books

First and foremost, time to catch up on my new books. In the months since last writing to this blog, I am pleased to say I have written to follow up on my novel Missing.

Missing by D.J. Cowdall

It is a continuation of the story and characters that began in this book and focuses still on their struggles and their lives as they deal with loss and poverty.
Beyond this, I have expanded the story to encompass new characters and events, some of which are new to me as a writer. Many who write tend to focus on a single niche and grow their audience from there, and whilst I do love the areas of fiction I am strong in, such as with novels about dogs as well as about people with Missing, I love writing so much that I can’t help but explore science fiction, horror, teenage novels, and even children’s works.
The expansion of what I have written about with the second in the Missing series is as I say new to me, but one I wish to explore. I have no certainty about whether it works, only my readers can tell me that, but I very much enjoyed it and will build on that.
The Missing series of novels will continue to expand and I have at least six in the series in mind.

The second book is titled: Missing: The Disappearance of Sally-Anne

Missing The Disappearance of Sally-Anne by D.J. Cowdall

and is on sale now on Amazon and free to read in the Kindle Lending Library.

My second novel which has just launched is a follow-up to last year’s The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit. It is simply called Book 2 and follows on with the adventures of the world’s most obstinate woman and her equally awkward dog. The battle of wills is all about fun and growing to know each other. I had a huge amount of fun writing it and when editing it I laughed a lot. I’m not sure if that is a good thing, laughing at my own work, but others who have read it found it enjoyable.

The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 2 is on sale now on Amazon.

This is intended as a long series of books, and possibly as many as ten full-length installments in the series, so readers will get to know about all their antics and share in all their love and joy for a long time to come.

What’s Next?

I intend to write my longest, most in-depth novel to date about dogs, which I have begun writing and should hopefully be on sale by late Spring. I won’t say much about what it is about, but it will be a full-length novel and one which I have been planning on writing for a long time. I am very excited to see readers’ responses when it launches.


Thank you to all those people who have left me reviews, on Goodreads and Amazon. I very much appreciate it. I must admit to being amazed to see that at the time of writing this over 450 people have left ratings and reviews on The Dog Under The Bed on Amazon, and more than that on Goodreads. A lot of my books have garnered reviews and ratings now and I must say they help me a great deal. I always read comments and do my very best to learn from them. Again, thank you for taking the time to do that.

Thank you to all of you who have continued to buy my books, it really is special of you to do that and pushes me to do better and more.


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New Book Progress

I’m pleased to be able to say I am in the process of writing the third and final part of The Dog Under The Bed, which deals with what happened next after Arthur had found his new home.

I am at a crossroads of sorts, in precisely what to call the book. I am torn between sticking with What Happens Next as a subtitle, but I think there are better options, such as Arthur Finds a Home or similar. I’m sure I will know once it comes to launch time.

My aim is to finish the book and have it on sale by the end of August, but obviously it is typically holiday time and things such as life do tend to get in the way.

The first book dealt with a stray dog, ending up hiding under a little boy’s bed, and how he managed to avoid detection in the pursuit of finding somewhere safe to stay.
Its reception had been hugely rewarding, the sales, library reads, reviews and general appreciation.

The follow up, Arthur On The Streets has likewise been met with great success and appreciation, however naturally it deals with things in a less happy manner. Arthur finds himself on the streets and lost, and learns what it is to be a stray and unwanted dog. Life can be tough, but also a huge experience, as Arthur finds out.

I am pleased to say that the final part of the trilogy finds Arthur in much happier circumstances. Anyone who has taken in or adopted a stray dog will know that both we and our new dog have to adapt to each other. When I got my dog Scooby, on the first day he jumped onto my bed and soiled and wet it, which was a shock! I had a word with him, cleaned it all up, but the next day he did the exact same thing again! After that he wasn’t allowed onto my bed. Of course it is well known dogs like to mark their new territory, and that was what he was doing, but it is part of getting used to a new dog, especially as he was three when we first got him.

So book three will be all about how the family and Arthur adapt to each other, and all the fun and frolics they have. I believe it is going to be tremendous fun to write, and wonderful to read.

It is and has been a great journey, not only having dogs in my home, but writing about them too. Long may it continue.

Of course Dog 3 will not be the last of my escapades in writing about them, no chance. It is only just beginning!

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The Dog Under The Bed

Arthur On The Streets

Two Dogs in Africa

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