Two New Audio Short Stories & New Book Update

While deep in the process of writing my new book, I have narrated a couple of new videos.

The first is my reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death.

I always loved this, primarily from seeing the Vincent Price film which always struck me for its sense of suspense, not to mention how odd it all felt, which from narrating the story I can say it does reflect well.

This is the video here:

The Masque of the Red Death Narrated by DJ Cowdall

My next narrated video is a short story that I wrote. When I became strongly interested in writing, this was in fact the first story I ever wrote. It will be a strong indicator of where I was at early in my writing career and where I am at now. I’m sure you will see a difference if you have read other work by me.

Still, it is fun, and I enjoyed reading it once more. Hopefully you will too.

Just One More Go. Written & Narrated by DJ Cowdall

I am pleased to say that my work on The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit 3 is coming along at a pace. I am two thirds through now, and it should be available to buy any time. I will be sure to post here, on my Official Amazon page and on Goodreads soon.

The story this time I think is stronger than ever, and along with a ton of humour also allows for a filling out of other characters and events. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

I guess autumn is upon us just about, which brings with it cooler, wetter weather, but the positive from that is more time indoors, and more time reading.

Thank you once again for all your support.



DJ Cowdall – Official YouTube Channel

Official DJ Cowdall Amazon Author Page