Blog Post: Reviews, Summer and Reading.


I just passed a milestone of sorts as an author where one of my books now has over five hundred reviews and ratings on Amazon, and almost as many on Goodreads. The book in question is the first in the trilogy of The Dog Under The Bed Series.

The Dog Under The Bed by D.J. Cowdall

When I first started writing this book, I was fairly new to writing full-length fiction, and as a fairly new author, I understood the importance of reviews, not just to guide others on whether a book was worth buying but also for me so that I would have an indication whether what I was creating was at the very least a good book.

The more positive reviews and ratings you get on a book the more confidence you gain that not only are you writing well but that readers like your stories, and that you are writing stories and novels that they want to read.

So, I simply want to thank everyone for being so kind as to leave a review or a rating. I do read them, and I am guided by them, so thank you all for that.

Summer Is Here

Well, once again the lovely warm weather is upon us, and that means glorious days sitting outside and holidays to come. Things are far better now than they have been in too long, but of course, I will continue to write all the time and have new books in the pipeline. There’s nothing better than sitting in the sun (Don’t forget the suntan lotion) while reading a good book. I aim to do my part, providing the book!

New Books

Talking of new books, of course, I am in the middle of a new book, as I mentioned previously. It is a full-length novel and another book about one particular dog. It will be the longest novel I have written about dogs and will be a real adventure to follow. I hope to release this by autumn.

Better Days

I know things have been very tough for everyone with how the situation is globally, and for a great many it remains so. As things improve with this and our lives recover, we will all still experience the impact events have had on others with jobs and finances, and the economy. Being Mindful of this, I deliberately released The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit at only 99 pence, 99 cents, and 99 Euros. In my own small way, I wanted to help out with a fun novel at a very low price. As things will remain tough for many of us, I aim to do this on other occasions, and I intend to release a few more novels at this price point. I know it is only a small token of assistance, but I believe every little bit helps.

The Dog That Wouldn't Sit by D.J. Cowdall

I hope you are all well and continue to be so, and thank you for taking the time to read what I write. It really is a passion for me and something I will always engage in, writing novels.



Blog Post: New Book, Reviews, Editing Issues, Thanks.

New Book

I am pleased to say my new book is coming along nicely. I am busy writing the follow up to Missing, which lately has been doing very well, and is proving very popular. Yesterday I passed 50,000 words on the followup and I have to say I am enjoying it immensely. Though it deals with some very difficult subjects like abandonment and poverty, things which I have personal experience of, I find it helpful and rewarding to write about. Almost everyone will experience some kind of poverty in their lives, even if it is through knowing or helping others to deal with it. The one thing that matters for those affected by it comes from the help of others because when you have nothing it is near impossible escape from that situation. Given the prevalence of such conditions for most people, it really does matter to help each other overcome it.

I hope the new book will be finished by the end of September, perhaps into October and on sale by then.


I’m sure all writers say it but reviews really do matter. I have been fortunate that many kind readers have left me reviews on lots of my books on Amazon and Goodreads. There are occasions when books sell well but get few or no reviews, but all I can say is they help writers know if they’re doing well, as well as if there are problems, but they also let other readers know if a book is good and worth reading. It helps others and when they review they help you too. So if you like a book please do try to find the time to leave a review or a rating. Thanks!


If you find something wrong in a book, not just mine but any, you always have the option of contacting the author and commenting on it or asking about it. Most authors are happy to hear from their readers, and I am no exception. I always try to reply to any emails or other contacts I get, and if there is a problem I will always try to offer a proper response to it. So please feel free to contact authors any time, whatever it is for, I am sure they will welcome the feedback and response. I know I do.

Editing Problems

I had an email from a man recently who was unhappy with issues in one of my books. He was quite unhappy with things, and I have to admit I understood completely. The fact is I pay others to edit my books after I have completed my revisions. Unfortunately, I have been let down, not just once but on a number of occasions, because these so-called editors who claim expertise and attention to detail miss more than I do from an initial cursory check. I have found it difficult to get a reliable editor, something I am sure many people suffer from, but I am aware of problems and work hard to fix them. If you find an issue with one of my books you are always welcome to email me and say so, and I will ensure it is dealt with immediately.

I have taken steps to ensure editing is much better in my books, but obviously, it is something that needs improving across publishing and I for one will work much harder to do better.

Thank You

I just want to say a very big thank you to every single person who has ever bought and read one of my books, and there are a lot of you. It means everything to me, and I fully appreciate you investing in me and what I create. I love writing and love the worlds I create and the characters and events I imagine, and I am so happy that so many of you feel the same way. Thank you very, very much for your support. I look forward to writing many more books to come and seeing your reactions.

Take Care.

