I Fell Down A Rabbit Hole

Well, I haven’t posted in a long time, and the simple reason is I fell down a hole, but it wasn’t a rabbit hole. I knew for a long time I needed to take editing and all that comes with it much more seriously, and so these past few months I have been revisiting previously published books and taking a much closer look at them.

This is where the adventure begins.

As I have mentioned in the past, I have used editors to correct and work on any issues in my novels, but these haven’t always been positive. I have frequently paid for so-called professional editing services, only to find out they leave as many issues as they find. Many of them, it is clear, have no qualifications in editing and no experience, and are simply making money fraudulently.

Fingers burned.

I am pleased to say I have come across one or two excellent editors, and I think the best of my books have benefitted from their attention. Sadly, even the best editors miss things.

This is where my latest journey has led me.

I took much greater time to line edit my work, and to use every means possible to ensure not only that I find as many problems as possible, but that I learn a great deal more about writing than I ever did.

This, of course, won’t make me perfect, but then it is a journey. I have learned that it isn’t ninety percent of a good novel being the story and ten percent the quality of the writing. A good book is a polished mix of them both, and that is what I have focused on addressing: rebalancing my attention to grammar, spelling, repetition, and the building blocks of a great book.

I hope this shines through in my works from past and in the future. Time, and reviews, will tell.

I just wanted to add this to show what I have been doing. My latest full length dog adventure is still in the making, and is half complete. Once again, I will get to it, hard at work, pressing out those words and building more fun and meaningful adventures. So, watch this space.



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