New Novel On Sale

The Puppy


Few things in life can bring us quite the level of joy that comes from a new baby, but also from a new puppy.

Both are soft, gentle, and loving, so warm, and so beautiful. Those early days often bring memories that last us a lifetime and make us feel in a way that nothing else we ever experience can.

But what of those puppies born to those who can’t keep them?

The Puppy is a tale of one such dog, who seems to live each day as if it started fresh, only with a new owner each time.

This particular dog has no name, only an idea of what he should be called. When Sally and Albert must say goodbye, Rebekka comes into his life, but in time she has to let him go. Then Gregg takes him, not only home but to school, with all the fun and frolics that follow.

Pushed from one home to the next, the puppy keeps his head up, loves one day at a time, until he can find that one person to take him forever.

The Puppy is a tale of the uncertainty that every dog faces, whether to be loved or used, hoping they will find that special person to give them a place they can share for the rest of their lives.

From the author of The Dog Under The Bed comes a book about life for the dogs in our lives at the start, and the trials and tribulations of being born into the world.

humor, love, adventure and fun await.

The Puppy. The new novel from DJ Cowdall about everyone’s best friend.

On Sale Now Here:

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New Novel, Hardback Dog Books & Newsletter

New Novel

Well as always I have begun writing my next novel. For me, the process of writing never stops. I sit in my small summer house, laptop, monitor, keyboard and simple desk & chair, I don my headphones, put on Spotify and listen to some music and simply write away. I love doing it and for me, it isn’t work or a chore it just a lot of love and a lot of fun.

So whatever is going on, whether I have just launched a new novel or holidays have come round you can be sure I will be working away on something new.
I am pleased to say I am working full steam ahead, writing the follow up to my novel Missing That was the biggest novel I have written to date and was a real labour of love. It was something I had been thinking of writing, and intending to do for a very long time, and I am so pleased I did. It has sold well, but unlike my other novels doesn’t seem to have attracted any written reviews on Amazon yet, however positive ratings have appeared on Goodreads.

My novels based on Missing are intended to be ongoing and will number at least six full-length novels in the series. I know exactly where it is going, and I think and hope readers will enjoy what I have to say, and what happens there.

No idea when it will be finished, but hopefully within the next few months, all written, edited, and on sale. Watch this space.

My New Dog Book

My recently released novel The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit has been extremely popular, selling well every day. As I wrote previously this was intended as a shorter piece, ready to offer for free to anyone who subscribes to my newsletter, however, I am revamping and offering a new launch of my newsletter at some time in the future, and until then it will only be on sale. Once the newsletter is set up then that will be just one of a number of freebies and giveaways, as well of course as a regular update on new books, stories, and launches.

Audio Books

Another thing long planned has been audiobook versions of my books. This is close to fruition, as I have a home studio set up with all the equipment and I have been experimenting and practicing. I fully intend to do these audiobooks myself and launch them as soon as possible.

The Dog Under The Bed

This series has been astonishing for me, the success and the love people have shown towards them, and to me for what I created, has been unbelievable. I am looking at producing a compilation sometime in the future of all three books, only as a hardback special edition. I will announce here and on my website once this is about to launch, but given how much people have loved the series I think it is a good idea.

New Dog Book

Let’s be honest, I love writing dog books, and I love dogs. It seems most of us do. Of course, once I finish the follow up to Missing I will begin a new dog book, only this is going to be a full-length novel, much larger than any of my previous dog book releases. It is also something I have been thinking about for a very long time, and I think people are truly going to love it. I will provide more information once it is being written.

Difficult Times Globally

I just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in these difficult times. My family and I have been affected as much as any, but through family and friends, we come through. Please do keep safe and look out for one another.



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My New Book & More

I’m sat here in my usual spot writing. It’s cold outside, but clear and bright blue skies. The weather has been a real challenge for most people in the UK, with freezing rain, flooding, strong winds and bitter cold. It’s certainly not a time to be out if you can help it, and all I can say is right now I’m glad to be inside.

Thankfully I have a heater on in here, so all I need to think about is what I am writing.

Anyone who has had a dog of their own will know enough about them to understand how attached we get to them, and what impact they have on our lives. Actually writing about them really brings it home, and gives a great insight into the small things we go through with them every day. Often things will happen and we will laugh about it, but in time other things will happen and we tend to forget about what it was that made us laugh. Writing about them is a great way to relive those times and moments, from whatever age, and share some of the joy we have for the company they keep with us.

The new dog book I am writing isn’t intended to be a long one, and should hopefully be on sale at the end of February. It will have a much lower selling price, but is still a full and complete, self contained story, one which is built on joy and happines, not to menetion all the fun we take from a new dog, and share with them,

It isn’t really like work, doing something like this, it’s just having a bit of fun and putting it into words.

I fully intend to set up a new newsletter all about my work and writing, my books and short stories, in fact everything I do connected with it, and will launch this all new venture soon. There will be a lot of free short stories, free full length books and constant snippets of books and things I am working on, and they will all be available free to my newsletter subscribers. Watch out for that.

Spring isn’t far off, thankfully, which means getting back out into the garden and enjoying the times with family, not to mention our dog! Roll on.

Feel free to follow me on Amazon, or on any of the below social media and of course I am always happy to hear from people, and always respond to any contact I have.


New Premium Novel – On Sale Now!

The Dog Under The Bed 3: What Happened Next!


Welcome home Arthur!

Finally, the lost little dog has found his forever home. He has been lost, he has been forgotten and nobody loved him.

A sweet little dog went from being pampered and loved until something changed in his life, and out he went onto the streets. Arthur learned how to be wily and cunning, and survived, but couldn’t find anyone to love him, until he found his way under a little boy’s bed.

Then, the inevitable happened, discovered, shocked, surprised, amazed. A family finds a dog hidden under the bed, but what do they do? What would you do, if you found this loving, sweet little pooch hiding under your bed, shivering, tired, scared, and only wanting someone to love?

Would you give a dog a home? Would you open your arms, your heart and your home to them?

The Dog Under The Bed: What Happened Next, tells us just what did happen, when Stan, Nancy, Abigail and Billy find Arthur, hiding, looking out at them, his small eyes staring, watching to see their reaction.

Read on to see how they all adapt to each other, as Arthur has his first proper bath with his new family, kindly sharing it with them! Check out his antics as he runs amok in the house, always finding his way back to where he knows he belongs.

From Chaotic walks in the park, to snowball fights in the garden, from family teddy fights to madcap attempts to climb kitchen counters for food, Arthur lives it all as he finds out just what it is to be loved again.

Life for a new dog in a family is often difficult, and for this family it is no less, but through their love for one another they determine to overcome, and come together for the sake of a wonderful dog.

The Dog Under The Bed 3 is the loving conclusion to the series, as Arthur not only comes to terms with his new family, but finally confronts the past, ready for a loving future.

Filled with laughter, tears and joy, What Happened Next show us just why we love dogs so much.

Welcome Home Arthur, forever.

“Arthur leaped at the sausages, trying to grab one to gobble it up, as Billy did the same. It was a battle, where only the strongest would survive, and get a sausage. Billy grabbed at them quickly, giggling so much his sides hurt. Each time he tried to get another Arthur naturally grabbed at the same one, as if it were a pop up game where they needed a mallet to hit the mole before it disappeared”

“Arthur was a sensible dog, well trained, not inclined to do the wrong thing. Or so he thought, until he ran and jumped like a gazelle onto the large armchair in the corner. As he landed on it he bounced, like a child on a bouncy castle. He looked one way, then the other, as if he were a lion surveying his kingdom”

“Freedom clearly had a price, one that involved shivering and being lonely. As joyful as it might well be being able to run anywhere and do as he pleased, it was difficult to make a sensible case for anything other than warmth, a fully belly and being loved”

On Sale Now Exclusively From Amazon Worldwide

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Arthur’s Back!!! Finally, the follow up to the much loved Dog Under The Bed…

The Dog Under The Bed 2

Arthur On The Streets

Arthur’s Back!!

Finally, by popular demand, the follow up to the much loved novel about Arthur, a lonely little dog, running stray on the streets of Warrington.

Arthur is a little dog, in search of love, missing the lady who loved him most, finding out just how hard life can be for a dog alone. Follow his journey as he goes not only in search of love and a home, but how he learns the truths of life, and how hard it can be for the dog that nobody wants.

From the first fateful moment as he strays away from the only place he has ever known, into the unforgiving streets and back alleys, into a life of hunger, cold and fear.

An exploration of just what made him so wily and smart, how one small dog went from being a deeply loved, important member of a family, to a dog alone, wandering in search of shelter, food and safety.

Find out just how daft one dog can be, the laughter as he discovers his first love of chicken and how his love of food gets him into one mess after another.

As Arthur finally learns the importance of family, through cold hard floors at night, to thunderstorms and rain outside, share each step he takes as he comes face to face with the struggles of life when nobody knows your name.

From snarling voices, to children laughing in the fields, from bitter rain to playful horses, join Arthur once again on an adventure of learning, discovery and sheer excitement.

The Dog Under The Bed: Arthur On The Streets is a joyful mixture of ups and down, all leading to one inevitable fate. Find out just what happened to him, and why , and how he ended up, right under a little boy’s bed.

Suitable For All Ages.

Quotes From The Novel:

“Wild seeds and flower elements pervaded the air, like frosty particles that never melted. White speckles floated around, sitting in the backdrop of an increasingly hazy day. It looked as if nature was exploding, all awash with colour and movement, a truly spectacular and memorable day. One that they would both look back on with fondness.”

“The skies were grey, and where before the wind had been warm and so full of light, everything around now seemed dark, as if he had entered a new place where such things no longer existed. He looked around as the rain fell ever harder, soaking his fur, dripping into his eyes. If he had tears to cry, they would have been washed away by the rain.”

“The field seemed to be a source of life, as butterflies flittered around and insects filled the skies darting all over. Dying wild flowers let loose embers of petals and seeds, their last natural attempt to spread and pollinate. The place was like a quilt of life, where one could jump straight into it and wrap oneself in all the beauty of creation.”

On Sale Now Exclusively From Amazon Worldwide

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Two Dogs In Africa

Based on true events, where as a teenager I moved with my parents to live in Nairobi, Kenya, a most beautiful part of Africa.

A lighthearted revisiting of my time there, and most importantly how I came to love these two amazing dogs. A loving exploration of two funny and wonderful dogs, Sammy and Shrink.

From spider bites to snake attacks, from cheeky dogs arguing over whose bed it was, to unwanted baths and days in the never ending sun. This tells the story of how I first came to love dogs so much, and how together we shared some amazing experiences, whether good or bad, they were always by my side.

Two Dogs In Africa is a story of adventure, understanding, discovery and love. Share our experience of life in Africa, and all the fun that we enjoyed – together.

Quotes From The Book:

“As my eyes became accustomed to it all, I could see so many flickers of light, so many fires and flame lights, that it seemed an ocean of stuttering luminescence, with people blurring the reality of it. I wondered if what I saw wasn’t real, that I was sick again, and in the blink of an eye I would wake up to find myself in my bed. That never happened. I could feel the soft air against my bare arms and face, but most of all there were a myriad of smells, all kinds of food cooking, sweetcorn, potatoes, some kind of meats, everything. I knew these people had next to nothing, but through their own hard work and ingenuity they had found a way to live, and survive even in these harsh conditions. A part of me wanted to feel awful for them, but they didn’t deserve my pity, they got my respect, for what they achieved every day in life.”

On Sale Now Exclusively From Amazon Worldwide

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The Dog Under The Bed

This is the remarkable story of one endearing dog’s search for a home, but not just a home, simply someone to show him he matters, that he is loved by someone.

Arthur is a small dog, lost and alone on the streets of Warrington, simply trying to survive. Afraid and hungry, he runs constantly away from trouble, until he finds an unusual escape, into the house of a family, and underneath a young boy’s bed. That is when the fun really begins…

Unknown to Stan, Nancy, Abigail and Billy, this little doggy has hidden himself well, and so begins his adventure to stay hidden, for once warm and safe, snug under the bed.

Read as Arthur sneaks around the house, barely avoiding being caught as he secretly raids the fridge, drinks from the only source of fresh water, and plays with a room full of cuddly toys.

Find out why he was lost and alone, and how he rediscovers himself.

The Dog Under The Bed is a heart-warming tale that touches on all of our love and affection for man’s and woman’s best friend, and how one lucky dog uses all of his wily instincts to find out once and for all what it is to be a part of a loving family.

Funny, surprising and full of love, the Dog Under The Bed will remind us all just why we love them so much.

“Carefully he went, not wishing to be discovered, but also because he didn’t want to spoil the little boy’s dreams, envious of being so happy, able to sit and allow his mind to wander off to something amazing, without a care in the world of it ending. Such was the life of a child.”

“The air blowing up was cool and fresh, a constant reminder of the life he had lived, offering a kind of freedom to do as he pleased, but still it came at a cost. Unable to ignore the call any more he crept down the stairs, constantly on the lookout for trouble. Light filtered through from the lounge door and the kitchen, but everywhere else helpfully was dark. Feeling even bolder he continued, down again, until he stood on the last step, just able to peer out. He could hear Billy running and playing, enjoying himself so much. It was quite dark out, but the snow brought a vibrance to everything, offering an illumination combined with the grace of winter which no other season could quite provide.”

On Sale Now Exclusively From Amazon Worldwide

The Magic Christmas Tree




It’s Christmas, a magical time for families everywhere. Except one family isn’t celebrating. They have lost the goodwill and love of the time. Journey with Jacob, on his amazing adventure into the Magic Christmas Tree, and explore a world of wonderful and exciting characters, from Dwarves to Magic Throwing Giants, to The Neverborn and even Pancake Man.
Hold Jacob’s hand as he rediscovers his love for life, his family and Christmas.
A fabulous Christmas adventure filled with imagination and spectacle, for all ages.


Available now! Click here to buy in paperback or Kindle from Amazon

On sale from other booksellers soon!


The Kids of Pirate Island

If you ever enjoyed your summer holidays, warm weather, the seaside, just being with friends, this will take you back to those times and all the joy you had with it.

Click the cover to get a copy, and make sure to let me know what you think, I always like to hear from you.

The Kids of Pirate Island – On Sale Now

The Kids of Pirate Island
On sale now.
The Kids of Pirate Island
On Sale Now

It’s summer time, and that means holidays, which means… Adventure.
No long hot boring summers for David, Martin, John and Jane, just pirate adventures, falling in the sea, rope ladders off cliffs, seagulls with an eye on your chips, and not forgetting the treasure!
Join the gang on a crazy, funny adventure like you’ve never read.
A family novel, lovingly crafted about life in North Yorkshire, for a gang who just wanted to have a bit of fun