New Novel, Hardback Dog Books & Newsletter

New Novel

Well as always I have begun writing my next novel. For me, the process of writing never stops. I sit in my small summer house, laptop, monitor, keyboard and simple desk & chair, I don my headphones, put on Spotify and listen to some music and simply write away. I love doing it and for me, it isn’t work or a chore it just a lot of love and a lot of fun.

So whatever is going on, whether I have just launched a new novel or holidays have come round you can be sure I will be working away on something new.
I am pleased to say I am working full steam ahead, writing the follow up to my novel Missing That was the biggest novel I have written to date and was a real labour of love. It was something I had been thinking of writing, and intending to do for a very long time, and I am so pleased I did. It has sold well, but unlike my other novels doesn’t seem to have attracted any written reviews on Amazon yet, however positive ratings have appeared on Goodreads.

My novels based on Missing are intended to be ongoing and will number at least six full-length novels in the series. I know exactly where it is going, and I think and hope readers will enjoy what I have to say, and what happens there.

No idea when it will be finished, but hopefully within the next few months, all written, edited, and on sale. Watch this space.

My New Dog Book

My recently released novel The Dog That Wouldn’t Sit has been extremely popular, selling well every day. As I wrote previously this was intended as a shorter piece, ready to offer for free to anyone who subscribes to my newsletter, however, I am revamping and offering a new launch of my newsletter at some time in the future, and until then it will only be on sale. Once the newsletter is set up then that will be just one of a number of freebies and giveaways, as well of course as a regular update on new books, stories, and launches.

Audio Books

Another thing long planned has been audiobook versions of my books. This is close to fruition, as I have a home studio set up with all the equipment and I have been experimenting and practicing. I fully intend to do these audiobooks myself and launch them as soon as possible.

The Dog Under The Bed

This series has been astonishing for me, the success and the love people have shown towards them, and to me for what I created, has been unbelievable. I am looking at producing a compilation sometime in the future of all three books, only as a hardback special edition. I will announce here and on my website once this is about to launch, but given how much people have loved the series I think it is a good idea.

New Dog Book

Let’s be honest, I love writing dog books, and I love dogs. It seems most of us do. Of course, once I finish the follow up to Missing I will begin a new dog book, only this is going to be a full-length novel, much larger than any of my previous dog book releases. It is also something I have been thinking about for a very long time, and I think people are truly going to love it. I will provide more information once it is being written.

Difficult Times Globally

I just want to say my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in these difficult times. My family and I have been affected as much as any, but through family and friends, we come through. Please do keep safe and look out for one another.



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